Well, I'm back, and I'm blogging again. And no, it's not just because I'm back in school, and my grades depend on it. I totally had all sorts of idea's for my blog over the summer - I just didn't follow through with any of them. Don't start judging me yet, I was busy I swear. I won't talk about what I was busy doing, cause that's super boring. Trust me, you don't want to hear about it. However, I will tell you all about one of my ideas for my blog that never came to be.
Okay, do this was my idea, it came to me about a month and a half after school ended. I had other ideas before that time, but those ideas we're along the same vein as all of my previous posts. Mainly just talking about music I like or am listening to and what not. What made my other idea different was that it was like a mock-reality-fiction-action-adventure-zombie apocalypse-super-journal-blog. I know what you're thinking. "That's pretty much the greatest idea ever AJ. Why didn't you do it?"
Well, I'll tell you. I couldn't find a way to make a smooth transition from my previous posts to the new zombie powered ones. Each time I tried to plan it out I felt like I couldn't put the pieces of my over all idea together in a way that I felt happy with.
You're probably asking why I didn't just start a new blog. Well, basically it sort of contradicted what I wanted to do. If I just started a new zombie apocalypse blog, about a zombie apocalypse, it wouldn't have the surprise and realism that I was going for. Cause you know, Zombies are super realistic. I mean it, keep laughing, but I bet you and your friends have an emergency zombie's are coming plan. I know mine do. Anyway, I wanted it to seem like I wasn't expecting the zombie apocalypse. I thought having a blog with a lot of unrelated posts going back for sometime would add the necessary realism required for a blog about a zombie horde.
So, when I first came up with the idea, I kind of wanted to start off slowly, and talk about how I had been working nights and that I caught the flu or something and had to miss some work in stay in bed. That would explain how I wasn't aware of the growing horde of zombies. The problem was that's where the idea fell apart. I couldn't come up with a way to make that transition work the way I wanted. I couldn't become aware of the zombies right away, at first things would just need to seem strange. for example, "there was an odd man on my street tonight, He was stumbling around, and moaning like he was in pain, when I asked if he was okay, he just swung his head around, looking right at me and started charging toward me. It was weird. I ran back inside before he got too close, but the just stood there banging on my door for the next two hours. it was creepy." That's sort of what I would have been going for, but isn't that a little too obvious? I dunno, I thought it was a cool idea, but I wasn't able to get it off the ground. Maybe, I'll just a chance to refine the idea, maybe I'll even start a new blog for it. I've decided to keep this one as it is anyway.
I'm going to try to keep this one updated pretty regularly, my goal is to update more than I did before the summer.
Anyway, speaking of this blog's usual content. Gram Parsons's is awesome. I know a lot of people don't like country music, but what country music was and what it is today, might as well be two different genres. I don't really have any prepared points to help me support that argument, so here's a song by Gram Parsons. Give it a listen. if it doesn't convince you, then I'm afraid there's a good chance that your condition is terminal.
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