Monday, February 7, 2011

This is the Pulp Fiction of Blog posts

Okay, I’m pretty sure I had something to write about for this blog post, but I think I forgot. It’s not surprising though; I’ve been super sick for the last five days. It’s the worst. I have barely got any homework done at all. I spent the entire weekend resting and trying to get better, but it didn’t work. Yet, despite how sick I am I haven’t missed any school.

I was planning to use this time to work on my screenplay for my creative writing class, but only the Mac lab was free, and I don’t know how to use the Word script template thinger on the Mac version of word. So I decided to do this blog post.

Oh! As a bit of an aside, I’d like to mention that Quiznos’s broccoli cheddar soup is awesome and will kind of make you feel a bit better even if you’re super super sick like I am. I would also like to note that I didn’t really know the correct way to use the Quiznos name as a possessive. It has the s on the end there but they don’t use an apostrophe, and I don’t know if that’s bad grammar or if the name just has an s on the end. So I gave them the benefit of the doubt and just added the apostrophe and the extra s, but than now that I’m thinking about it, what if there’s more then one Quizno and the s just refers to how there’s a whole bunch of them. Maybe I should have just put an apostrophe after the s. I suppose this is a question for greater minds than my own.

Okay, so I’m way more all over the place than usual. It’s like pulp fiction. You’re like “wait, I already saw Vincent die, how is he back again. Ow I think my brain just exploded.”

Okay, so I’m like four paragraphs in and I haven’t really said anything that makes sense. Here’s a thought: Alec Baldwin is the new William Shatner. It’s true; think about it for a bit.

Okay, well I better wrap this up. I’m gonna have way to many long posts like last term and then right at the end of the term I’ll have to do a bunch of short ones, like last term.

Okay, and I finish this post off with this.

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