Well, it’s day number seven in the twelve top fives of Christmas. I’m starting to feel like I’m having a bit of a mid list crisis so I figured the best thing to do would be to have a top five most badass songs. These songs are first and foremost about being a badass. The basic idea is “I’m a badass and I gotta tell everyone, so here’s my song.” This kind of song is one of my favorites so here’s my list: top five songs about being a badass.
1. Sympathy for the Devil – The Rolling Stones (Here's a live version.)
2. Search and Destroy – Iggy and The Stooges (Live)
3. It’s Hard to be a Saint in The City – Bruce Springsteen
4. A Man and A Half – Wilson Pickett I couldn't find an online version of this one. I know I have found one before so I don't know what happened to it. I tried to upload an audio file of it but it didn't work. I have to go, so I'll try it again later when have time.
5. Whore Hoppin’ – The Eagles of Death Metal (Live)
Okay, so this list was pretty tough. I had a hard time deciding where each song should go. They are all pretty much on equal playing field. This is how I decided.
I put sympathy first, because, really when it comes down to it, what can be more badass than outright declaring that you are the devil and not just out right declaring, but making people guess for the first half of the song. It’s a game just like the devil would play. You can’t really get more badass than that. Once in 1969, I believe, A guy was even murdered while the band played this song. That's Badass. Needless to say the Stones stopped preforming the song Live. It wasn't until recently that it once again added to their set list.
Search and Destroy made it a close number two simply because the delivery and conviction of Iggy’s performance, as well as the accompanying guitar solo. You really believe the desperation. He really needs someone to save his soul.
It’s Hard to be a Saint came in at number three, because I think the writing in this song is amazing. “I had skin like leather and the diamond-hard look of a cobra. I was born blue and weathered but I burst just like a supernova. I could walk like Brando right into the sun, dance just like a Casanova.” That is a badass list. Damn. A supernova is when a star dies. That’s a big explosion. It’s hard to deny how badass that is. This song paints a picture of what life in Jersey was like in the early 70s. Back before the guys all just did sit up all day and the girls punched each other in the eyes for breakfast.
Number four, Wilson Picketr - A Man and A Half. This really could have been number one. A song telling all the ladies that you’re packing a little bit extra. He’s not just a man, he’s a man and a half, and every other man envies him for it. This song is fantastic. It’s only number four because of how close the list competition was and based on the logic I was trying to use I couldn’t really put it any higher.
Whore Hoppin’, number five. This song is great fun. It’s about being a badass picking up girls, and being related to the devil. “I can’t lose, cause I’m the devils favorite son.” That’s pretty damn badass. This song is about being a man.
There are some other songs that probably could have made the list too.
The Yardbirds – I’m a Man. Clarence Carter – Looking for a Fox.
Anyway, I’ll be back tomorrow with list number eight.
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